Homelite super xl automatic spark plug gap
Homelite super xl automatic spark plug gap

For $25 I should have bought it - haven't seen one like it before or since. I guess an early version of anti-vibration. Although a few years ago I had the opportunity to buy what looked like an ordinary EZ, but this one had some big, clunky rubber mounts. So, pray tell, which of their saws is so bad that "a pretty good case could be made for pulling the spark plug, bar and chain and placeing the remainder in a large trash can - Then never take it out." and why? The only ones I didn't like were the small ones, the EZ and especially the 150. In fact I like my Homelites almost as much as I like my old McCullochs, and that's sayin' something. Two-cycle engines, the kind requiring the owner to mix the gasoline with oil, are used on chainsaws and other yard equipment because they provide high. My other Homelites include a C52, a Super Wiz 55 and a Super Wiz 80 (I think). Reasons for a Homelite Chainsaw Not Starting. The carburetor is gummed-up but the stupid thing is brand-new. And I do have a Super XL that I bought brand new and that has never been started.I never even put gas in it. I still have a blue and white XL12, a red and black XL12 that we bought brand new sometime in the mid 70's and used commercially every day for easily 10 years, and who knows, there may be one or two more kicking around here somewhere. But starts and runs faithfully, day after day, year after year, decade after decade. Nothing fancy, no anti-vibe or any of that stuff. Which is the XL? Is it similar to the XL12, or the Super XL with the automatic oiler? I ask because I've used these saws for many years, and short of dropping a tree on 'em, they are pretty much indestructible. I find your comments worthy of clarification.

Homelite super xl automatic spark plug gap